
Hey there!
I spent about two weeks trying to come up with a perfect paragraph to share who I am in a way that would catch your attention and I got ZERO… so, until I find “perfect” this is what I got:

DON’T LIVE STUCK was started because I was stuck myself. I was going through life following the typical rules for a grown up while having dreams on hold until it was the “right” time.

I am by nature an idealist and a dreamer, two qualities that make for a great achiever right? NOT!

If people wanted to learn procrastination I could offer the best course on the subject because I’ve been living that way for many years.

I had dreams that I didn’t know how to turn into goals and I had goals that I didn’t know how to turn into results. Though I’m still far from perfect (MY perfect) I am now heading in the direction I have dreamt of my whole life. What changed you may ask? Well, I became a father.

Do you know what it feels like to encourage your kids to be the best that they can be while you’re not doing so good at it your self? do you know what it feels like to push your 6 year old son to practice harder because he says he wants to be a soccer player while you’re not doing anything to become the writer you always wanted to be? Well, if you don’t know what it feels like let me try to tell you. It feels hypocritical at best. You feel like you are lying to your children, cheating them. You keep thinking of the day when they get older and finally ask “how come you never went after your dreams dad?” or “how would you know what it takes to live fulfilled if you didn’t do it?” or when they simply wonder “what were you so scared about that kept you from going after your dreams?” those thoughts alone got me thinking and doing. Not only for the fear of facing those questions but also because I really want to learn what it takes to follow your passion and goals so that i can really help them as they get older.

When I made vain attempts to set and achieve goals I blamed my failure on the fact that I wasn’t taught much on the subject as a child… I know, what a loser for thinking that way. I was in my 20’s and thinking I’d gotten a late start in life, in my early 20s!
You see, I was born in San Diego, CA and I was taken to Mexico by my parents when I was only 3 months old. I didn’t return to the U.S until I was almost 15 yrs old. My parents did their best to prepare me for adulthood but often times they were speaking from theory rather than actual experience.
They would encourage me to attend college but when no one around you has done it how do you even picture yourself going to college? it just seems like something far away with no way to relate to it, in fact, I didn’t hear the words bachelors degree until I was 20 years old, lets not even mention associates degree, general courses, masters, Phd and all of the fun stuff that you envision when you think of your career.
When you talk about my lessons to be prepared for finances I do not remember ever having a conversation on the subject. Not on saving, not on investing, not on interest rates and the evil they bring with them, not on credit score and how it almost matters more than cash. Nothing. Because of many of these things I knew nothing about I felt like life had cheated me. I felt it was unfair and that I was far behind others who were taught those things when younger.
Fortunately for me, shortly after I became a dad I realized two things: 1) anything I was lacking in knowledge I could learn, anything. 2) my parents had taught me the things that really mattered, like being honest with others, always looking for ways to serve others, they taught me to respect my elders, they taught me to speak my mind, they raised me spiritually and taught me to trust in God, and the best part is that all of these attributes they did teach me by example.  When I came to this realization I learned that I was capable of learning everything else I needed to go after the life I always imagined.

It has been my dream, ever since I can remember, to be a writer but no one knew about it until a few years ago. I felt embarrassed to tell people, I really don’t know why but i did. I didn’t tell my wife until after a couple of years of being married! thats how insecure about it I was. After she knew, I slowly started sharing with others my goal to publish a book.

The road here hasn’t been easy but it has been so worth it. Every lesson has a place. Every challenge has made me stronger. Every disappointment has made me grateful for what I have. Above all, every day has become a blessing next to my awesome wife Joselyn and our children little Leo, Ximena, Sofia and Emma.
We have so much more to learn and do. So much to experience and share. There is no time to live stuck!